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At Superthrive, we strive to provide an extraordinary, environmentally conscious product and excellent customer service. We work to create opportunities for home gardeners and professional growers as they make their homes, communities and the planet a better place to live.
Growing and Maintenance: Superthrive encourages the natural building blocks that plants normally make themselves under optimum conditions, so it gives plants a better chance of achieving their full growth potential.
Transplanting:Transplanting trees and plants can result in stress, which can negatively affect health through loss of leaves, damaged roots, and loss of your plant or tree. Using Superthrive before planting can prevent and treat shock and insure survival.
Superthrive is highly economical. Simply add ¼ teaspoon of Superthrive for every gallon of water for most uses. Check out the Many Uses page for plant specific information or click here for our handy Dosage Chart.
Superthrive is gentle enough to use whenever you water. We suggest applying to thirsty soil and then avoiding adding any more water for 24 hours.
Superthrive can simply be mixed with water and applied directly to the soil. Other application methods include using a hose end sprayer or proportioner when watering or as a foliar spray. Superthrive is water soluble, perfect for hydroponics and hydro-seeding, or delivery via irrigation and drip systems. Check out our Methods page for more detail.
It is always best to follow directions. If you do overdo it, add water to the soil.
Yes to Fertilizers: Superthrive can be combined with your favorite fertilizer, as it will help your plant make the most of all that nutrition! Do not add additional fertilizer when transplanting.
No to Pesticides: You will want to avoid combining Superthrive with pesticides since they serve contradictory purposes.
Superthrive is great for anything that grows! Check out our Many Uses page to for advice and instructions for your plants!
While Superthrive is natural and non-toxic, it cannot be certified as organic. In order to label a product as organic, all ingredients must follow OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) guidelines.
Along with many garden products, children should only use Superthrive with adult supervision. Superthrive could cause minor eye or skin irritation. Kids should wear gloves and be careful not to splash their eyes. If irritation occurs, simply rinse with water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.
Children and pets can safely play in an area treated with Superthrive.
Superthrive is non-toxic, but you will want to drink fluids to flush the system.
Superthrive should be stored out of direct sunlight.
Superthrive is best used within two years of purchase.
We suggest that you use any mixtures within 24 hours.
Droplets of Superthrive on the inside of the cap can dry and make the cap difficult to open. In most cases, turning it upside down and tapping it against the floor or running it under water will loosen the residue. Wiping the inside of the cap after each use should help prevent this problem.
Dipping cuttings and seeds is best rather than soaking.
-Tender Plants - Use ¼ tsp. of Superthrive per gallon of water.
-Woody Plants – Use 1 tsp. of Superthrive per gallon of water.
-Rose Cuttings – Use ¼ tsp. of Superthrive per gallon of water. Soak for 15 minutes.
In snow country, use before the first snowfall to nourish bulbs and trees as they hibernate.
Superthrive means quality. For over 70 years, our food-grade product has developed and maintained a unique place in the lawn and garden industry that nobody else can fill. We provide you with a vitamin solution that nourishes plants, produces healthier and more nutritious edibles, prevents and treats plant stress, and increases yield. In his last decade of life, inventor Dr. John Thomson received the Lifetime Achievement Award from Lawn and
Garden Marketing and Distribution Association, attesting to his and recognition in the industry.
Just as Dr. John loved to pass on knowledge about the values of health and gardening–under the leadership of Dr. John’s daughter, Patrisha–we continue his traditions.
While we carry on his legacy, we continue to bring our product into the modern age, utilizing online platforms in addition to magazine advertisements and articles to reach out across multiple generations.
Dr. John said, “My whole aim is to leave the world better off for wherever I touch it.” This quality continues in every aspect of our business.
Click here to read more about Patrisha and Dr. John Thomson.
Whether you are a beginner, growing your first tomato, or a seasoned professional working in the field, we care about your journey.
We love to hear stories from our customers about how they have passed on the values of gardening and Superthrive to their children. To read some of these stories, please visit our Testimonials page.
We champion efforts to spread the word about sustainable soils and innovative methods of growing. Recent years of drought in the southwest have inspired profound techniques drawn from ancient times and contemporary minds. Please see our blog – Farmers Look to New Methods in the Face of Water Shortages.
Explore our Environmental Awareness page for more information about sustainability efforts, including soil rejuvenation.
Patrisha is a charter member of the Living Soil Alliance, an organization dedicated to providing information on healthy soils.
Before “Going Green” was a catch-phrase, Superthrive was a player in sustainability. Dr. John incorporated this philosophy into his work and educated people about healthy living. His 2009 Lifetime Environmental Awareness Award from the non-profit organization, Sustainable Environmental Education, is another example of his dedication and recognition.
In keeping with Dr. John’s passion for nutrition, we promote healthy lifestyles to people as well. Our employees are our working family. In addition to providing excellent health benefits, we offer vitamins, healthy snacks, and twice weekly yoga classes to promote physical and mental health.